
Incremental Revenue


Repeat Purchase Rate


Email Open Rate


Email Click Rate

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    About The Catholic Company

    Founded in 1997, The Catholic Company is the world’s largest online and catalog retailer of high-quality Catholic books and gifts at affordable prices. The Catholic Company staff supports the mission of the Catholic Church and carefully develops products in-house and partners with quality vendors and publishers in the industry to hand-make/select products that best serve the needs of its customers.

    Objectives and Challenges

    The Catholic Company had a clear objective to improve customer retention and engage with their loyal customers. They wanted to make deeper long-lasting connections with their customers and convert their one-time buyers into repeat buyers.

    • Improve Customer Retention
    • Engage with their loyal customers
    Incremental Revenues with a Reward Program, The Catholic Company Case Study – Landing Page

    A rewards program would ensure their customers do not go to competition, and thus result in increased repeat business.

    The Solution: A Rewards Program

    While evaluating loyalty rewards platforms they were looking for a solution that could easily integrate with their BigCommerce cart. Zinrelo offered them a program that was simple to install, easy to customize as per their brand requirements and very clearly visible to customers on their website.

    Incremental Revenues with a Reward Program, The Catholic Company Case Study – Landing Page

    The Rewards Program Overview

    The Catholic Advantage Rewards Program offers customers multiple point earning opportunities with simple actions to create 360-degree engagement.

    These actions included purchases made on website, birthday bonus etc.

    Increasing Engagement

    • To re-engage past valued customers, they offer welcome bonus and winback bonus. They also offer customers enticing coupons to save more and get awesome gifts!
    • The loyalty program emails saw an impressive open rate and click rate, this indicated a high level of interest and engagement among customers for the rewards program.

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