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Customer Loyalty
calendar image October 14, 2022

Customer Loyalty Segmentation Definition, Benefits, and Strategy for Success

Customers are individuals, each with individual needs and interests. Approaching them as individuals will vastly aid your marketing efforts and

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Customer Retention
calendar image March 09, 2021

3 Effective Ways to Build A Long-term Relationship with Customers

There is often an inordinate amount of attention paid to how modern businesses can attract customers. This is of course

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Customer Loyalty
calendar image July 19, 2019

Technology Enabling Brands to Create Evolved Reward Programs

Reward programs are a crucial part of any customer retention strategy, and they can be hugely successful in keeping customers

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Customer Loyalty
calendar image May 07, 2019

Six Customer Retention Factors to Build Long-Term Customer Loyalty

“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize

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Customer Loyalty
calendar image April 24, 2019

5 Writing Tips to Boost your Rewards Program Engagement

Recently, I was at the drive-up window at my bank. When the teller returned to the window with my

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Customer Loyalty
calendar image January 14, 2019

Behavioral Loyalty and Attitudinal Loyalty: Implementation Strategies for Customer Retention

Customer loyalty is an oft-debated subject in the market. In an interview noted for the Harvard Business School, well-known learning and OD consultant Carl P made an interesting observation about customer loyalty. He said, “If you have more information to make what you consider to be an informed choice, why would you have to be brand loyal?” And to be fair, it is a very valid point.

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Customer Loyalty
calendar image November 28, 2018

Revolution of Customer Experience in A Loyalty Program

Monetary rewards are not the only drivers for customer loyalty. Inherently, such programs have shifted from sign-up bonuses and loyalty points to experiential rewards such as interest-aligned gifts and exclusivity-based milestones. Further, by increasing experiential rewards, customer loyalty also increases on a long-term basis.

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Customer Loyalty
calendar image October 30, 2018

Decoding Top Loyalty Rewards Program Dos and Don’ts With Examples

Everyone loves to save money, so customer loyalty rewards program are a great way to reward your returning e-commerce buyers with discount codes and rewards. Points, badges, and other incentives can get consumers excited about interacting with your business. However, if you aren’t careful, you can cheapen your brand so much that people aren’t willing to pay regular price for your products. Here are some tips to use rewards strategically to boost your sales without breaking the bank.

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Customer Loyalty
calendar image May 16, 2018

Enhance Your Rewards Program With These 4 Customer Loyalty Strategies

It’s always worth it to attract new customers, but you’re probably aware how valuable existing customers are. They spend more and they’re more likely to spread word about your business, and that’s why you have a loyalty program to encourage them to stick around. With a great loyalty program, buying from you becomes a goal in itself: the customer is directly rewarded for their purchases, and advances through tiers representing their loyalty to your business in a visible way. But how can you grow that loyalty into a fervor?

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